Jeff Smith, Lay Leader
Jeff was born in Minnesota and has subsequently lived in Florida, Wisconsin, California, and Massachusetts. He married Karen and they have four boys - Andrew, Benjamin, Marquette and Gavin and two dogs! Jeff has advanced degrees in medicine, law, and business, but in his free time enjoys singing in the church choir and watching college sports with his sons. He also leads mission trips to Africa 2-3 times a year. Jeff is passionate about global health equity, caring for kids in the Foster Care system and serving others.
Christine Coffman & Alisa Hilfinger, Outreach Committee Co-Chairs
Christine Coffman
Hails from Upstate NY and a small town called Newark (not to be confused with the big town in NJ)….Married with children…2 boys and 2 girls (Jessica, always in our hearts), 1 grandson, and a 4-legged canine young-un named Peach…..Loves chocolate, long walks in the woods with friends and family, being outside appreciating nature, and being organized….if ever in a “name that tune” music trivia contest you will want to have Christine on your team. Her dream vacation?.....New Zealand!
Alisa Hilfinger
A MA local, having grown up in Ashland then detoured to NY for a time but returned to MA in 2002, finally calling Westborough home in 2011... wife of a Yankees fan and mom to two kids & a fluffy mutt named Cooper...loves teaching high school science, reading, baking (& sharing baked treats) and being outside...enjoys being a part of the Outreach Committee to help facilitate opportunities for inclusion and connection
Jonathan and Kristine Owen, Appalachia Service Project Chairs
Born in PA but still an Eagles fan, a MA resident for the past 30 yrs....married to Kristine and father of 2…. Jonathan is not hard to pick out in the church choir given his tall stature, his booming bass voice, and his frequent accompaniment on the guitar. He has a passion for the Appalachia Service Project (ASP)…supporting the program, the volunteers, and the people it serves. Not long after his first trip as an 11th grader in 1985, he began leading trips with both youth and adult volunteers for FUMC. Jonathan also served as the leader of the United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMWF) for 14 years.
Native to MA….married to Jonathan and mother of 2 young children…..She enjoys spending time hiking and traveling….Along with her husband, Kristine has a soft spot in her heart for youth and spent time working with young adults through both camping and retreat ministries. She also sings in the choir, serves on our church’s building committee, and has a big passion for the ASP program.
Mark and Amy Neil, Rwanda Mission Chairs
Born in CA, but grew up in Congo, Africa….son of missionary parents….fluent in Swahili….married to Amy and father of 5….Self-described tinker who enjoys working on computers and vehicles (especially the funky military kind!)….passionate about Africa and being an African travel guide…loves bringing Americans there for the 1st time…helping them overcome any reluctance to go and then seeing them come alive to the beauty of the land and the people when they get there.
Raised in Sudbury, MA….wife to Mark, mother of 5 and resident zookeeper of “the best dog ever” (Lacy), a bunny, a hamster, and a small school of fish….Lover of the outdoors and keeping it clean - making a point to pick up trash whenever she goes hiking…..Enjoys tickling the ivory as a pianist in church and seeking new adventures in life that will push and stretch her….Passionate about sharing Rwanda/Congo with members of her local community and with helping provide an education for children in the Congo.
Susan Reynolds, Administrative Council Chair
Originally from Norwell, MA, she visited FUMC for the first time in 1992 and has been coming ever since! Married to Dave and mother of two, her sons refer to her as “the Church lady” because of all the committees she’s served on and how much she enjoys learning more about religion. In her free time, she enjoys taking in live music, skiing, boating, and other sporting activities. Whether in her occupation as a physical therapist or her work in the church, she is passionate about enjoying the unique things each day has to offer us in life and in helping have an impact on others.
Jim Finger, Trustee Chair
Raised in Nashua, NH and a Westborough resident since 1998… married to Laurel, dad of one daughter (teacher) and one son (accountant), and one cat (fluffy and gray). Both kids are graduates of the Methodist Preschool. I love traveling the world with my family, working on home improvement projects, serving in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary for 17+ years, ASP adult trips (3 so far), photography, and boating. Second time as chair. Passionate about family, church family, country, helping others, and being on the water.
Wade Burch, Finance Committee Chair
Wade was born and raised in TN. He and his wife, Holly, bounced around the South and Midwest before settling their family of 6 in Grafton, MA in 2017. Wade develops robotics and automation professionally. Outside of work, he teaches in the FMUC youth programs, participates in ASP, and builds all manner of things with his kids. He can often be found driving around the Grafton and Westborough area in a tiny Japanese mini truck just to see people’s humored reaction. He joined the Finance Committee in 2021 and took on the Chair position in 2024. As a transplant, he feels blessed to have found a loving group of people in FUMC and is passionate about helping others feel welcomed and appreciated through this church and its missions