Why We Give
God transformed 2 fish and 5 loaves into a meal for thousands. He has a knack for growing what may seem like humble offerings into something incredibly powerful. By giving financially through Westborough First United Methodist Church you are sharing in God's plan for His people and world. Be bold with us in imagining how God can amplify your investment of time, talent, and treasure.
Each person should give what he has decided in his heart,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
- 2 Corinthians 9:7

Where We Give
General Fund Tithing
Tithes and gifts to the General Fund are primary avenue to financially support the Westborough First United Methodist church. The General Fund is used for facility upkeep, worship, operations, pastoral salaries, outreach, and denominational missions of the church. We are a mission-oriented church and that is reflected in our spending. Approximately 20% of our budget goes to support missions and ministries outside of our congregation - both locally and around the world via UMCOR.
Extended Missions
Contribution to the General Fund support denominational missions. However, many at at Westborough FUMC are involved in special mission organizations and initiatives. These efforts are funded through direct financial contributions to the organization or through in-kind support such as volunteering or donating goods. Extended missions do not typically receive money from the General Fund but benefit from use of the church building and resources.
Africa Mission - In 2013, Pastor Lwabimba and his wife Martha of Miti, DRC accepted a small donation from FUMC's Pastor John Welsey. After much prayer, they chose to use the money open a school for local orphans. The school is now fully accredited, serves more than 400 students. Many church members support this mission through student sponsorship. The church also supports medical-focused missions in Rwanda and Congo.
Appalachia Service Project - ASP is a home repair ministry that serves the poorest families of central Appalachia.
Operation Christmas Child - Church members pack shoe boxes with small toys and school supplies for impoverished children around the world to help spread the message of God's love through shoe box gifts. This is a part of the Christian organization Samaritan's Purse.
Special Offerings
Throughout the year there are special offering opportunities which will be highlighted in church communications. These include sanctuary flowers, staff holiday gifts, and other seasonal or one-time events.
How We Give

Each worship gathering includes an opportunity to give and celebrate God's Abundance in our lives.
Online Bill Pay
For those who chose to give regularly, setting up bill pay is the most cost-effective way to tithe. Bill Pay is set up with your bank and automatically transfers a set amount to Westborough FUMC each month. Bill Pay can be set up through your bank's online portal OR the church office can assist in setting up Bill Pay on your behalf. Visit our Bill Pay setup page for details.
Online Vanco
Online giving platform Vanco is the easiest way to make one-time or special offering contributions. It can also be used for monthly transfers, just like Bill Pay, but the church (or mission partner) incurs a service charge which reduces the impact of regular contributions made through the platform.
Planned Giving (Bequests, Stocks, & Estate)
There are many ways to make a lasting impact through the donation of stock or by naming the church as beneficiary in your will or living trust. We offer help navigating this process. Please reach out to the church office or the United Methodist Foundation of New England for assistance.
Have Questions?
Please reach out to the Westborough FUMC church office at opsmanager@firstumchurch.com to get connected to someone who can help answer your questions about giving or the stewardship of gifts received by the church.