We are privileged at FUMC to have many incredible musicians who share their talents with us weekly! We seek to incorporate many styles of music into our weekly worship services as well as during special events. Our offerings are limited only by the willingness of friends and members to offer their gifts of song or instrument!
Here is a sampling of the various music ministry offerings you will find at FUMC:
- Contemporary worship band plays at our weekly 11:00 AM Crossroads worship service and offers modern Christian music
- Traditional vocal choir sings at our weekly 9:00am service
- Double Treble is our beautiful duet of cello and piano- performed by Christine Tsen (cello) and Elizabeth Kubota (piano)
- 4 Handbell choirs of all ages perform sporadically throughout the year and are led by "Ringer-in-chief" Cynthia Hamburger
For more information on any of our musical offerings, or to tell us what YOU can contribute, please contact Elizabeth Kubota or the church office.
Vocal Groups
Like to sing? Enjoy joining your voice with others to make beautiful music? Join our vocal choir!!
- Sanctuary Choir: Our sanctuary choir provides music for our Traditional worship service all throughout the year. They sing a variety of music from classical gospel music to contemporary praise song anthems. Periodically during the year for special holiday services, the sanctuary choir performs special, more extensive music programs called cantatas. All are welcome to join in! Practices are on Tuesday nights at 7:30pm
- The Crossroads Band is our modern worship band. They sing all your favorite Christian contemporary hits and some oldies too! Would you like to add to the harmony? Or maybe you play the guitar, drums, or another instrument? Feel free to join in! Practices are between services on Sunday and some Saturday mornings for new music rehearsals.
Handbell Choirs

We are blessed at FUMC to have FOUR handbell choirs that bring us beautiful music ringing 5 octaves of bells! We have 2 adult handbell choirs and 2 choirs for youth. Details about each handbell choir below:
Good News Ringers (Adults) : Rehearse Wednesdays at 7 PM
Praise Ringers (Adults) : Rehearse Thursdays at 7:30 PM
Carillon Ringers (Grades 4-8): Rehearse Tuesdays from 6:30-7:15 PM
Joyful Sound (High School): Rehearse Tuesdays from 7:30-8:15 PM
Please note that our youth choirs have become intergenerational. So parents, come ring with us, too!
Interested in getting involved with our music ministry? We would love to hear from you. Fill out the simple form below and we will be in touch with you!